Specialist Disability Accommodation

We Make SDA Your Home, Not Just A House

Specialist Disability Accommodation Melbourne

Your SDA journey

At RenaissCare, we understand how important it is to have a home that is purpose-built just for your needs, and the locations you are familiar with. With years of expertise behind us, we can help you progress along your SDA journey from the very beginning.

1. Checking Eligibility

  •  You have high support needs or an extreme functional impairment


  •  You can show that SDA will help you pursue your NDIS goals

2. Housing Assessment Report

  • Occupational therapist will do a comprehensive assessment to work out whether you are eligible for funding and what type of home best suits your support needs.

3. Applying to NDIA

  • RenaissCare can help you to apply.
  • While you wait, we will start to seek home opportunities for you, whether new build or existing accommodation.

4. SDA Funding Approved

  • RenaissCare will work with you to find the right house for your needs and keep managing for you along the journey.


Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to housing solutions designed specifically for individuals with significant disabilities who require specialized housing features and supports.

Eligibility for SDA is determined by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and is based on an individual’s support needs and their eligibility for the NDIS. Only participants with specific, high-support needs are eligible for SDA funding.

SDA housing can include purpose-built apartments, group homes, shared living arrangements, or other specially designed dwellings that meet the accessibility and support requirements of people with disabilities.

RenaissCare is a registered SDA providers and their available properties. You can work with our support coordinator who is specialized in listing SDA properties for you.

Simply head to our signup page, submit your information and we’ll be in touch within one business day. Alternatively, you can give us a call on 1300 736 227.

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Registration number: 4050110301